(Conseil de développement du loisir scientifique) was the organiser of the first Expo-Sciences International (MILSET Expo-Sciences International ).
MILSET held its founding meeting during MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1987 in Quebec, Canada.
1st. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1987, Quebec, CANADA
1987First MILSET Expo-Sciences International
First MILSET Expo-Sciences International
MILSET was founded by representatives of five international organisations and 41 national associations from 20 countries.
MILSET creation
First MILSET Expo-Sciences International
Kuwaiti Delegation led by Mr. Adnan Almeer, and Mr. Dawood Alahmad
Participants: Abdallah Alasbahi, Salah Alahmad, Agail Moussa, Dawood Alaskar
First Executive Committee meeting
19 people were first elected on the Executive Committee, 7 of this people were nominated to the Board of Directors. From the first Executive Committee two key people who have contributed to the development and growth of this organisation are highlighted “Mr. Jean-Claude Guiraudon” and “Mr. Adnan Almeer” who nowadays are still the mainstay of MILSET.
Some of the first Board of Director members.
The Bulletin was the first official publication aimed to facilitate regular communication among member groups sponsored by Hydro- Québec, and was edited by past CDLS Executive Directors, Michel Bois and Carole Charlebois.
Carole Aumais developed MILSET logo which represents popular science and youth and suggests the earth with an endless line to reflect the continuity of action and the cooperation among member organisations, two fundamental factors for achieving peace and development.
Mr. Roger Lesgards, the former Honorary President of CIRASTI (Collectif interassociatif pour la Réalisation d’Activités Scientifiques et Techniques Internationales) in France, received de Expo’s Banner.
MILSET established in its bylaws five major objectives based on:
● Promoting leisure-time scientific and technical activities among youth.
● Contributing to the development of universally accessible scientific and technical culture.
● Assisting the work of its member organisations by fostering cooperation and joint activities.
● Representing its member organisations in their dealings with official bodies.
● Adopting all necessary measures to further its aim.
MILSET Executive Committee second meeting was held in Prague from June 1st to 6th.
Czechoslovakia was the first East Bloc country to accept MILSET’s objectives being one of its founding members the Czechoslovakia’s Union of Socialist Youth (UVSSM).
Executive Committee meeting, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
ABRET (Association Bretonne pour la Recherche et la Technologie) was selected to act as a host organization for MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1989 on the recommendation of CIRASTI. Mr. Jean-Pierre Trillet was elected as the general director the MILSET international event.
2nd. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1989, Brest, FRANCIA
1989MILSET Expo-Sciences International 89, Brest, France
● Council of Young Scientists and Specialist of Byelorussia.
● Qatar Science Club.
● Natural History Museum of Chile.
● Irish Association of Young Scientists.
● Jordan Science and Technology Club.
First World Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada
During an Executive Committee meeting held in Kuwait, an agreement was signed to hold MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991 in Prague. Two co-sponsoring organisations were to organise this great event the Czechoslovakia's National Association for Youth Science and Technology and ZENIT Centrum.
At this meeting, two countries raised their hands to hold MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1993, Kuwait represented by Mr. Adnan Almeer (Vice-President of Kuwait Science Club) and France represented by Alain Bernard.
Mr. Mohamed Benabdenbhi was elected as a new member of the Executive Committee replacing Mr. Said El Kharazzi.
MILSET welcomed two new member organisations: AMAVET (Association for Youth Science and Technology) of Prague, Czechoslovakia and the Counsel for Expositions for Young Scientists based in Pretoria, South Africa
International Youth Forum for Science and Technology with the collaboration of MILSET was held in Tunisia organised by the Association Jeunes Science de Tunisie (AJS).
MILSET-UNESCO forum sessions were held as activities during the event.
Stanislav Medřický, member of MILSET and president of AMAVET (Czech Republic) organised “MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991 in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
3rd. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991, Praga, Czechoslovakia
1991Maurice Huppé and Jean-Pierre Trillet at the Expo-Sciences 1991 in Prague
2 new members from Bulgaria joined the movement : The Association for Youth Technical and Scientific Creativity and Economic Initiative” (TNTM) and the Eureka Foundation.
MILSET Board of Directors meeting during MILSET Expo-Sciences International 91
International Federation of Petits Debrouillards FIPD, Prague, MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991
For the first time URSS, Bulgaria, and the USA participated in MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991 in Czechoslovakia.
For the first time URSS, Bulgaria, and the USA participated in MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991 in Czechoslovakia.
MILSET history is full of regarding surprises and life experiences to tell, this young Mexican MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1991 participant became MILSET third president, Mr. Roberto Hidalgo. From left to right, Julio Cesar Ávalos and Roberto Hidalgo.
Due to the war in Kuwait, Amarillo Texas was proposed to be the next destination for MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1993 led by Mr. Sam Aldouri director of Club of Scientific Hobbies (COSH).
Mr. Adnan Almeer and Mr. Sam Aldouri
MILSET opened a regional office in Kuwait, this project improved contact and communication between MILSET and science clubs of Middle East countries.
Mr. Enrique Padilla in Buenos Aires National Expo-Sciences
MILSET Executive Committee, Amarillo, Texas.
Second World Energy Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Summer University, Genoa, Italy.
Three new members were added to MILSET: Casa de la Ciencia de Morelos in Mexico led by Rosa María Ezquerro, Council for Expositions for Young Scientists from South Africa leaded by Mr. Derek Gray and Club des Débrouillards from Wallonie, Belgium led by Christian Renquet.
Last Participation of Enrique Padilla, an outstanding figure in MILSET history.
4th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1993, Amarillo, U.S
Mr. Enrique Padilla at MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI 1993.
MILSET Europe Regional Office was born and its first President was Mr. Stanislav Medričky.
MILSET Expo-Sciences International was organised by the Kuwait Science Club directed by Mr. Adnan Almeer
5th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1995, Kuwait City, KUWAIT
1995MILSET elected a new President Mr. Jean-Claude Guiraudon
1st. Expo-Sciences Europe 1996, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
1996Executive Committee meeting in MILSET Paris office.
6th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1997, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
MILSET Collaboration – Kids museum, Caracas, Venezuela.
MILSET Collaboration – Orinoco Exposition, Caracas, Venezuela.
2nd. Expo-Sciences Europe 1998, Coimbra, PORTUGAL
1998Gulf Countries Expo-Sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
First meeting with Latin American representatives to design MILSET AMLAT Regional Office in Philadelphia at InteI-ISEF 99.
7th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1999, Puebla, MÉXICO
MILSET Board of Directors meeting, Puebla, Mexico.
MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI 1999, Puebla, Mexico
MILSET AMLAT was created in this year thanks to the Expo-Sciences International that took place in Puebla, México.
MILSET AMLAT creation, Puebla, México.
MILSET Mediterranean is founded, with the commitment of organising an Expo-Sciences for the northern countries of Africa and South of Europe, currently, this region has been unified by MILSET Africa.
3rd. Expo-Sciences Europe 2000, Charleroi, BELGIUM
1st. EXPOMED 2000, Tipaza, ARGELIA
Preparation meeting of MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2001 in Grenoble, France.
8th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2001, GRENOBLE, FRANCE
2001Executive Committee meeting in Rabat, Morocco
2nd. EXPOMED 2000, Rabat, MOROCCO
4th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2002, Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
MILSET Expo-Sciences Europe ESE 2002, Bratislava, Slovakia.
1st. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2002, Talca, CHILE
The first Expo-Sciences Latin America “MILSET Expo-Sciences International AMLAT” was held in 2002 in the city of Talca in Chile. The first Executive Committee was formed by Mrs. María Angélica Riquelme, Mr. Hélio Luis Brochier, and Mr. Atilio Buendia.
MILSET NORAM (North America) was born and first led by Mrs. Rose Pérez as President.
9th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2003 Moscow, RUSSIA
2003MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI 2003, Moscu, Russia.
5th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2004 Dresden, GERMANY
2004MILSET Europe was legally founded, Mr. Martin Kustek was elected as President, Mr. Stanislav Medřický as General Secretary, Mr. Guy Severs and Mr. Antoine van Ruymbeke as Vice-Presidents.
Expo-Sciences Europe ESE 2004, Dresden, Germany.
3rd. EXPOMED 2004, Antibes, FRANCE
2nd. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2004, Fortaleza, BRASIL
10th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2005 Santiago, CHILE
2005MILSET Europe created the European Science Day for Youth with on 21th April.
MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI 2005, Santiago, Chile.
First MILSET Africa Expo-Sciences in Namibia with Jonathan Wilsnach as its President.
20066th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2006 Tarragona, SPAIN
The 4th MILSET Expo-Sciences Mediterranean EXPOMED 2006 was held in Msida, Malta.
Antoine van Ruymbeke becomes MILSET Europe President, since his participation in MILSET Expo-Sciences International 1999 he has worked for MILSET and MILSET Europe improvement.
1st. ESA 2006, Windhoek, NAMIBIA
3rd. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2006, Veracruz, MEXICO
MILSET elected a new President, Mr. Roberto Hidalgo.
200711th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2007 Durban, SOUTH AFRICA
MILSET Science Photo Contest was created by MILSET Europe which later became a very successful worldwide event.
MILSET Europe organises the first International Science Summer Camp.
7th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2008, Budapest, HUNGARY
2008MILSET launches the Young Citizens Conferences program which later became part of MILSET official activities.
4th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2006, Lima, PERÚ
12th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2009 Tunisia, TUNISIA
2009UNESCO grants MILSET the status of NGO in operational relations.
8th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2010, Moscow, RUSSIA
20102nd. ESA 2010, Le Port, REUNION ISLAND
1st. ESAsia 2010, Kuwait, KUWAIT
5th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2010, Sao Luis, BRASIL
13th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2011 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
2011MILSET General Assembly.
20116th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2012, Asunción, PARAGUAY
2nd. ESAsia 2012, Manama, BAHRAIN
9th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2012, Tula, RUSSIA
14th MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2013 Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
2013MILSET office welcomes, MILSET Communication Manager Lisette Vela from Mexico
MILSET Vostok was created in during Expo-Sciences Asia held in Amman, Jordan as a need to unify Russian spoken countries, led by Mr. Alexander Leontovitch as President.
10th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2014, Žilina, Slovakia
7th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2014, Medellín, COLOMBIA
MILSET AMLAT General Assembly
3rd. ESAsia 2014, Amman, JORDAN
MILSET Executive Committee meeting held in Jordan during ESA Asia 2014
MILSET Executive Committee meeting held in Jordan during ESA Asia 2014
15th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2015 Brussels, BELGIUM
2015MILSET Executive Committee meeting held in Brussels during ESI 2015
MILSET Asia General Assembly
MILSET Vostok General Assembly
MILSET AMLAT General Assembly
MILSET General Assembly
Mr. Jean Claude Guiraudon MILSET Vice-President and Mr. Roberto Hidalgo MILSET President.
MILSET Europe celebrates its 1st edition of the European Science Day for Youth.
MILSET Vostok held its first regional Expo-Sciences.
20168th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International -AMLAT 2016, Mazatlán, MEXICO
MILSET AMLAT Executive Committee meeting 2016.
MILSET AMLAT Executive Committee meeting 2016.
11th. Expo-Sciences Europe 2016, Toulouse, FRANCE
1st. ESVostok 2016, Moscow, RUSSIA
4th. ESAsia 2016, Muscat, OMAN
MILSET office welcomes, MILSET Managing Director Miss Berenice Suarez from Mexico
201716th. MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2017 Fortaleza, BRAZIL
MILSET General Assembly
Fortaleza, Brazil. August 8th, 2017
MILSET 30th Anniversary celebration
Fortaleza, Brazil. August 10th, 2017
MILSET Asia office welcomed Dr. Anna Paolini, representative of UNESCO to the Gulf Cooperation Countries GCC and Yemen, to discuss a strategic plan to develop scientific and technological activities in the State of Kuwait. Kuwait. April, 19th, 2017
MILSET Executive Committee meet in Kuwait in MILSET Asia office Kuwait. April 2018
2018MILSET Asia office located in Kuwait
MILSET Honorary President Mr. Jean-Claude Guiraudon and MILSET General Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. Carole Charlebois received the MILSET grand prize medal during the "Youth Successes" forum opening ceremony for their great efforts, unlimited generosity and sincere dedication to the organisation. Kuwait. April 2018
MILSET Executive Committee, MILSET President Mr Roberto Hidalgo, MILSET honorary President Mr. Jean-Claude Guiraudon, MILSET Asia President Mr. Adnan Al-Meer, and MILSET Asia Director Mr. Dawood Al-Ahmad visited in Kuwait, his Highness Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Sabah who kindly welcomed MILSET team and talked about the importance of promoting Arts and Science for youth. His Highness has supported MILSET Asia office and also developed very important projects in Kuwait to enhance Science, Culture, and Arts such as the impressive and modern Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Culture Centre. Kuwait. April 2018
MILSET Asia team and MILSET EC
MILSET Expo-Sciences AMLAT
Antofagasta, Chile, July 2nd to 6th, 2018
Opening ceremony of MILSET Expo-Sciences AMLAT
Antofagasta, Chile, July 2nd to 6th, 2018
Venue area of MILSET Expo-Sciences AMLAT
Antofagasta, Chile, July 2nd to 6th, 2018
MILSET AMLAT General Assembly
Antofagasta, Chile, July 2nd to 6th, 2018
For the first time in MILSET history, an Astronaut send a message from International Space Station to all participants of the MILSET Expo Sciences
A YCC was developed with high-level conferences on space issues with the participation of NASA for the first time.
Thanks to the efforts of Fundación Club Ciencias Chile and MILSET AMLAT, MILSET started a strong collaboration with the National Administration of Aeronautics and Space "NASA".
The long-lasting friendship and work between the offices wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment of Mr. Jorge L. Sotomayor (Lead Increment Scientist at NASA).
In addition, other scientists, and federal personnel from the U.S.A participated.
Jorge L. Sotomayor | Lead Increment Scientist (LIS), John Love | Main Expedition Scientist, International Space Station Program, Ms. Silva Martínez | Aerospace Engineer, Mission Control Operations, Erik López |International Space Station Systems and Communications Integrator and Diana G. García | International Space Station Research Integrator
MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia, July 8th to 15th, 2018
MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia, July 8th to 15th, 2018
Official Aftermovie | MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok | ESV 2018, Yakutsk 2018
ESV 2018 displayed a high-impact cultural show, presenting an amazing diversity of cultures
MILSET Expo-Sciences Europe
Gdnya, Poland, July 16th to 22nd, 2018
MILSET Expo-Sciences Europe
Gdnya, Poland, July 16th to 22nd, 2018
Official Aftermovie | MILSET Expo-Sciences Europe | ESE 2018, Gdnya, Poland
MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia
Daejon, South Korea, October 19th to 24th, 2018
MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia
Daejon, South Korea, October 19th to 24th, 2018
Official Aftermovie | MILSET Expo-Sciences ASIA | ESA 2018, Daejeon, South Korea
MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2019
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 22nd to 28th, 2019
MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2019
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 22nd to 28th, 2019
ESI 2019 Parade of Nations. During this touching ceremony, members of the Royal Family, Diplomats, MILSET Authorities, and ACTVET Authorities gathered to celebrate the starting point of this unique event.
Leader Congress
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 25th , 2019
MILSET Young Citizens Conferences
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 26th, 2019
Official message from International Space Station - NASA for the opening ceremony of MILSET Expo-Sciences International 2019, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 22nd to 28th, 2019
MILSET President Mr Roberto Hidalgo, Vice-President Mr. Adnan Almeer, General Secretary Carole Charlebois and Staff received Mr Jorge Sotomayor (Lead Increment Scientist) from NASA and Mr Allen Hervert (Business Development & Strategy NanoRacks LLC nanoracks.com) from DreamUp to talk about a future collaboration to benefit youth through STEAM initiatives.
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 2019
MILSET General Assembly
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 25th, 2019
Official Aftermovie | MILSET Expo-Sciences International ESI 2019 Abu Dhabi UAE
MILSET welcomes, MILSET IT Coordinator Mr José García from Mexico
January, 2020
For the first time, MILSET organises an online YCC having a great impact on youth worldwide with 6 international key note speakers, and 40 participants from 20 countries discussing “How to invent a new world”
Online, worldwide, November 10th to 15th, 2020
Derived from pandemics MILSET AMLAT office decided to launch conferences along the year with Latin-American top speakers to talk about STEAM topics and best practice.
Online, worldwide, 2020
MILSET AMLAT and Fundación Club Ciencias Chile collaborate to present amazing conferences about the advancements of NASA in space.
July 15 - 22.
For the first time MILSET Regional General Assemblies were successfully organised online.
MILSET AMLAT General Assembly.
MILSET ASIA General Assembly.
MILSET Europe General Assembly.
MILSET Africa General Assembly.
MILSET Vostok General Assembly.
MILSET Vostok organised the “International STEAM Programmes for Youth in the Time of Close Borders”. This conference cycle was created to learn about other organisations and their best practices during the lockdown due to pandemics.
Online, Russia. February 5th to 6th, 2021.
The MILSET WVS 2021 was a special edition event. It aimed to gather MILSET leaders from worldwide members' organisations and institutions interested in STEAM education and extracurricular activities to learn and discuss through conferences, workshops, and round tables. summit.milset.org
Online, Puebla, México. October 25th to 29th, 2021.
MILSET establishes for the first-time links and collaboration agreements with companies and allies of the private industry in the field of technology, innovation, and education. The event gathered the presence of international directors, CEOs, and high-ranking authorities and more than 150 representatives of government science and technology organizations.
This event gathered leaders from more than 80 countries who discussed best practices in STEAM.
The first MILSET backstage was set up to run the MILSET World Virtual Summit 2022, establishing a remote link to more than 80 countries.
MILSET President welcomes MILSET Authorities, MILSET Member Organisations, teachers, and anyone interested in STEAM education trends to the MILSET World Virtual Summit 2021.
The MILSET WVS 2021 is a special edition event. It aims to gather organisations and institutions interested in STEAM education and extracurricular activities to learn and discuss through conferences, workshops, and round tables.
This initiative highlighted the importance of scientific culture in today's society and celebrated the activities and institutions that provide spaces for people to make science a relevant part of their lives.
Online, worldwide. September 28th, 2021.
For the first time MILSET appoints a president to lead the SPC jury Photographer Mr Normand Fafard.
MILSET Honorary President Mr Jean Claude Guirarudon, MILSET Asia President Mr Adnan Almeer and MILSET Asia Director Mr Dawood Al-Ahmad accompanied Mr Ahmed Alshebil for the opening of the Al-Qassim Science Center in Saudi Arabia. This fantastic project will impact the lives of many people and youth in the region and around the world.
Saudi Arbia. October, 2021
MILSET Expo-Sciences Asia
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. February 20th to 25th
After 2 years of lockdown due to the pandemics, the first MILSET Regional Expo-Sciences was held in Dubai. MILSET and the Host Committee authorities visited ESA 2022 stands to motivate participants.
ESA 2022 cultural evening.
After 2 years, MILSET Asia Executive Committee and Members meet face-to-face during ESA 2022 in Dubai. It was an emotive gathering where the effort of all organisations to keep their events and activities running during the pandemics was recognised.
At MILSET, we value multicultural exchange and youths involvement in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and the arts. We are convinced that the networking of young people and teachers from worldwide will encourage the creation of projects that help humanity to have a better
The YCC held in ESA 2022 brought together the participation of 2 space agencies represented by Mr Jorge Sotomayor from NASA and Eng. Reem Al Ali from the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center Lab in UAE. This activity gathered selected youngsters from more than 15 countries.
MILSET Expo-Sciences Europe
Suceava, Romania.
MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok
Almaty, Kazakhstan
MILSET Expo-Sciences AMLAT
Santa Rosa , Argentina